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Stuff so good, we did it twice!

December 16, 2018

We revisited some themes over the years. Many of which were our most popular and engaging discussions. . .including: #firstread (2017 and 2018), #wildread (2016 and 2018), #wellread (2015 and 2018), #reelread (2014 and 2018), #secretread (2014 and 2018), #crimeread (2013 and 2018), #chillread / #chilloutread (2015 and 2018), #artread (2013 and 2016) and #historyread (2013 and 2016). . .what was your favourite theme? Is there are memorable suggestion that someone has made to you during a Twitter Reading Group Session? Do you remember making a suggestion to someone?

And as well as revisiting themes, there were some books that were so popular we revisited them for a number of themes. George R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones was a particular fantasy favourite and came up in #redread, #questread, #darkread and #fanread discussions. And in a much less bloody style of writing Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice appeared in #classicread, #reelread and #heartread. Less bloody? We shouldn’t forget the mentions of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

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